I was about to climb into bed and found myself contemplating if I had done everything President Nelson had asked us to do over the last six months. I know he asked us to study last conference’s conference talks, but I find I always get hung up on 1 or 2 that keep me coming back to them over and over. I asked myself, “Was that enough? Did I do enough?”
I don’t even believe in those questions, yet somehow still find myself asking them. I answered my own questions, “Of course it’s enough. I feel the spirit, I follow the spirit. If I kept coming back to only 1 or 2 talks it doesn’t matter. It’s all enough.”
Then I wondered if I was prepared for conference this weekend (I am so dang excited for it!) and thought of King Benjamin and his people—all turning their tent doors to the temple. Then my study got really good and I saw faith and repentance (it’s always there!)
“And they also took of the firstlings of their flocks, that they might offer sacrifice and burnt offerings…”
My mind raced to 3rd Nephi when the Savior tells the Nephites, I don’t want your sacrifices. I don’t want your burnt offerings—I want your heart.
Am I prepared to give my heart this weekend? Will the Savior have my whole heart as I listen to His prophet and apostles?
King Benjamin’s people brought their animal sacrifices “that they might give thanks to the Lord their God…”
Then King Benjamin asked them, “hearken unto me, and open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view.”
I hope this weekend our own hearts are filled with the mysteries of God, and with gratitude for the One who gave all. He gave all so my meager, itty-bitty widow’s mite—practically worthless compared to His infinite sacrifice—would always be enough.
I am especially thankful for Him who, in a world that thrives on chaos, sends peace amidst the storm! These days I find myself basking in the overwhelming peace that only comes from the Prince of Peace, regardless of any storms.
My tent door will be facing the temple this weekend (Jesus!) with your tent doors-rejoicing in and worshipping that Lord of Lords and King of Kings, giving thanks with my whole heart.
(watch conference here: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/broadcasts?lang=eng&video=21236952928198668460&mode=watch)
All my love,