riding free

We are all worthy - of love, forgiveness, friends, connection, a home, a place to unwind, a place to cry, a place to bounce back. No matter the voices in our heads, we begin to practice worthiness, connection, and belonging in the way we first speak to ourselves. I know from my own experience that practice doesn't make perfect but it does make us stronger and more confident!

"...shame is the fear of disconnection - the fear that we're unlovable and don't belong... The expectations and messages that fuel shame keep us from fully realizing who we are as people. Today, I look back and feel so grateful to women and men who have shared their stories with me. I'm thankful for the people who were brave enough to say, 'These are my secrets and my fears, here's how they brought me to my knees, and here's how I learned to stand in my worthiness again.'" (Brené Brown, Italics added.)