My girls,
The more I learn about counseling clients, the more I believe in un-knowing, not-knowing. The more a therapist walks alongside their client, the more information they wait for their client to reveal to them.
In our culture of “I know”, I believe there is a quiet confidence in not knowing; and lately, it’s where I am finding “home”, finding God. It is good to say “I know ____ is true” to the extent that my very next question is, “But what more can be true?” or “What else can I know?” Then, when my light and knowledge has grown regarding a topic, it becomes clear that what I formerly “knew” wasn’t entirely true, but a path to more truth (which won’t be entirely true either. This has been my, very limited, experience with the words: “growing brighter and brighter until the perfect day”.)
Not-knowing seems a gateway to experiencing…observing…asking…pondering…wondering… and is increasing my capacity for stillness, for waiting.
There is something I believe I know, that seems to hold true in every situation in our mortal sojourn: faith is always “unto repentance”, which simply means looking at Jesus Christ in every thought. I don’t do anything more to earn salvation or exaltation or anything of the sort; I look at Jesus. He does the healing, the changing, the perfecting, the growing, the mending, the repairing, the “still-ing". I look—He does everything else. These verses tonight reminded me of this truth I believe in so deeply.
“Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things … that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in you hearts.”
In other words, before you even get into the reading and the praying and whatnot, just remember. remember Him. Remember how merciful He is, has always been, and always will be. Remember His infinite sacrifice, which He uses to offer everyone infinite amounts of mercy. If, one day, you don’t know where to go or what to do or what to think, consider beginning there: mercy.
(As an aside, as I read and write about this verse, I read the last line differently. I heard Moroni say, “when you read these things, remember the Lord’s mercy … ‘and ponder it in your hearts.’” Just spend time there, pondering—mercy—and see what happens… That’s a beautiful thought for me.)
As I continued reading Moroni 10, I arrived at verse 26. Mormon is speaking with some passion about things “he knows.” “And wo unto them who shall do these things away and die, for they die in their sins, and they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God; and I speak it according to the words of Christ; and I lie not.” I don’t believe Mormon is lying, I think that every verse in the Book of Mormon needs a follow up line, “unless they repent” or “as oft as my people repent” or “if you repent” or…a million other ways to say “BUT, REPENTANCE.” I feel Mormon’s passion. I am a passionate person. I love to “know” what I “know.” But therein lies my ever-continuing lesson: Awareness of what I don’t know might be proving more powerful than anything else of which I might say, “I know.”
Here are some things about which I (right now) like to say “I know”
I know Jesus loves us, loves everyone. I know we all need Him, one not any less than another. In other words, we all need an infinite Jesus to cover all of us. There is no part of me that does not need him; there is no part of anyone else that does not need Him, no matter how “good” or “bad” our actions. Every child of God needs a Savior to cover all of them. There is nothing I can do, no matter how good, that causes me to need Him any less than anyone else. Everyone will be saved and exalted and perfected “on conditions of repentance” and “in no other way.” It doesn’t matter what we do; it matters what HE did, and HE did all.
These are my favorite things to know.
I love you, my beautiful, beautiful girls. Love, your mama
Moroni 10:3, 26
D&C 50:24
And others…
My bio is live! I can start accepting clients now at my internship. Click here and scroll to the bottom to read my blurb.
My dear friend, Marné, is making vintage bow ties (fully adjustable), long ties, Christmas dresses, and bows for Christmas! Every item is made from vintage and repurposed fabric. She is an expert seamstress!! Her Insta is @OrchardBlossoms and here is her Etsy link.
The girls are singing in the Millennial Choirs and Orchestras Christmas performance in December and I can hardly wait.
Lastly, I get to speak at a single’s conference here in Arizona in December, which I am entirely thrilled about.
Love you all. Happy Wednesday.